Your question is unfair.

It is not a distortionate response.to the slaughter of over 1000 people, and the filming of the decapitation of babies in front of their parents!!

It is what Hamas planned , as its leaders are ensconced in Iran, Jordan etc.

If Mexicans or Others did that to our people in Texas, that question would never be asked.

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Unfortunately, that's exactly how terrorism works. We're focused on the horror of these specific, awful events rather than what is best for a given country, people and the world. We can always come back to the babies to justify absolutely anything -- which is of course a completely understandable human reaction but not always the best one in the long run.

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TBH, it's more like the U.S. taking the entire southwest from Mexico, then wondering why we are at war. And you may want to double check your facts about beheadings. And bombing hospitals. More news every day about not only the Oct 7 attack, but also the genocide in retaliation

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