Amongst the many Ironies of this are those Americans who will vote for Trump under the illusion that he'll miraculously stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine and also bring peace to the Middle East. Neither of which will happen. If anything A Trump administration would escalate this war by attacking Iran even further, thereby provoking WW3. The Death-cult Evangelical loonies behind Trump see what's going on in Israel as their opportunity to help bring Jeebus back from his magical sky kingdom while blowing the rest of us all up.
The only solution to this intractable problem is for the US to apply pressure to All the parties involved in this to cease fire. But unfortunately, Russia and other outside players will work against that goal. With any luck Israeli citizens themselves will wake up and work to rid themselves of the idiots running their country.
If Israel is such a great, powerful country why don't they use their own money and build their own war machines? They've had a few thousand years to get there. Do we over-pet Israel just because?
So Mark, do they create a country for imaginary Palestinians and just duck the rockets like always? Was Gaza a peaceful little enclave or a suburb of Tehran?
I'm intrigued by your "imaginary Palestinians" term. Are these people not really there? And, no, Gaza is not a suburb of Tehran. Geographically, it's much more a suburb of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.
Okay, we aren’t going to change one another’s mind. Terrorists run the community filled with otherwise, more or less, innocent people in Gaza. (Rapists, fire bombers and child murderers excepted.)Same applies to Hezbollah and Houthi and Tehran. Terrorists want to kill and don’t care who is collateral and you cannot dispute that it applies to their own people. Hamas holds their own citizens hostage because dead civilians make good propaganda in the west. Israel tries to spare civilians in ways no other country does, including the US who carpet bombed civilians without blinking. Terrorists continue to hold women and children hostage. You may tell me that Israel has “hostages” in jail. Trump tells me his terrorists are “hostages” as well. Let me know about liberals’ peace proposals when the jihad reveals that Christians are next on their list. Don’t forget that you are their Great Satan and don’t kid yourself if you think it has everything to do with support for Jews.
After generations of concessions to Iranian and other genocidal cults, Israel has the choice to repeat and replay the same song or to clarify the need to be respected. Deaths are tragic. World antisemites only recognize the tragedy afflicting Israel’s sworn destroyers.
Okay, I'll just respond to your comment from a tactical perspective. Do you really think turning Gaza to rubble establishes "respect?" Be sure to look up the term "blowback," which may be more essential to the conversation than saying "deaths are tragic."
Amongst the many Ironies of this are those Americans who will vote for Trump under the illusion that he'll miraculously stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine and also bring peace to the Middle East. Neither of which will happen. If anything A Trump administration would escalate this war by attacking Iran even further, thereby provoking WW3. The Death-cult Evangelical loonies behind Trump see what's going on in Israel as their opportunity to help bring Jeebus back from his magical sky kingdom while blowing the rest of us all up.
The only solution to this intractable problem is for the US to apply pressure to All the parties involved in this to cease fire. But unfortunately, Russia and other outside players will work against that goal. With any luck Israeli citizens themselves will wake up and work to rid themselves of the idiots running their country.
If Israel is such a great, powerful country why don't they use their own money and build their own war machines? They've had a few thousand years to get there. Do we over-pet Israel just because?
Yes, I am Jewish by birth, but I do feel the bombs are not being used in the best way
So Mark, do they create a country for imaginary Palestinians and just duck the rockets like always? Was Gaza a peaceful little enclave or a suburb of Tehran?
I'm intrigued by your "imaginary Palestinians" term. Are these people not really there? And, no, Gaza is not a suburb of Tehran. Geographically, it's much more a suburb of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.
Okay, we aren’t going to change one another’s mind. Terrorists run the community filled with otherwise, more or less, innocent people in Gaza. (Rapists, fire bombers and child murderers excepted.)Same applies to Hezbollah and Houthi and Tehran. Terrorists want to kill and don’t care who is collateral and you cannot dispute that it applies to their own people. Hamas holds their own citizens hostage because dead civilians make good propaganda in the west. Israel tries to spare civilians in ways no other country does, including the US who carpet bombed civilians without blinking. Terrorists continue to hold women and children hostage. You may tell me that Israel has “hostages” in jail. Trump tells me his terrorists are “hostages” as well. Let me know about liberals’ peace proposals when the jihad reveals that Christians are next on their list. Don’t forget that you are their Great Satan and don’t kid yourself if you think it has everything to do with support for Jews.
After generations of concessions to Iranian and other genocidal cults, Israel has the choice to repeat and replay the same song or to clarify the need to be respected. Deaths are tragic. World antisemites only recognize the tragedy afflicting Israel’s sworn destroyers.
Okay, I'll just respond to your comment from a tactical perspective. Do you really think turning Gaza to rubble establishes "respect?" Be sure to look up the term "blowback," which may be more essential to the conversation than saying "deaths are tragic."