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A lady friend in the 1950s vintage apartment building where I live sent me a link to your hardened bunker buster.

It’s f-ing hilarious that the Republicans are miserable over Sleepy Joe trying to trump Trump on the southern border.

I told her the other night over dinner in a real Mediterranean restaurant in Birmingham, AlaMAGMA, that if I wuz president of the land of the free and the home of the brave, I would bring home my troops prior presidents had put in harm’s way in distant lands, and put them on the southern border to stop the invasion as peacefully as possible.

And, I would stop Americans from going to Mexico with their money.

And, I would stop people in America from sending money to people in Mexico.

And, I would stop any products coming from Mexico to America.

Until Mexico stops the invasion.

My friend, who once lived several years in France and is fluent in French, said, Merde, that would really screw up the American economy and grocery stores!

Maybe she’s right.

I majored in economics at Vanderbilt 60+ years ago.

America is so dependent on cheap south of the border immigrant labor and Mexican produce and street drugs, not to mention Dos Equis and Modelo beers and various brands of tequila, and NAFTA is a treaty, that perhaps there is no way to do anything about that now.

Although the Asian market where I buy beautiful Asian greens every week during the winter - I grow my own greens in a community garden during the warm months - gets its greens and other vegetables three times a week off trucks from California.

My friend said America did plenty in Central America to cause people there to want to leave and come to America. I said not all of that is America’s fault, and I know it’s rough down there, but it’s not America’s job to save the Centrai Americans. America has more than it can say grace over taking care of Americans properly.

But them, Florida, Texas and west and even north once were Spain, which White Americans swiped, while they were swiping America from the real Americans they were killing off and the buffaloes, too, so perhaps the southern invasion is a karma situation

As, thanks to Donald Trump, America faces its second Civil War, if he is not elected in 2004, or if he is convicted and put in prison.

I don’t know where you live, Mark, but here in Alabama, I talk with MAGAs continually, and, although I like some of them, when it comes to politics and religion, they just ain’t right in their heads. Nor are the Republicans who see the orange turd for what he is, but vote for him anyway.

The Democrats seem to be lost in space, and Sleepy Joe disgusts me, sticking with Israel after he saw what the IDF was doing in Gaza. But he don’t remind me of Adolph Hitler during his rise to power in 1930s Germany.

Look at videos and photos of the Charlotteville protest against removing Confederate monuments, and of MAGA rallies, and of the January 6, 2020 insurrection, and you see oceans of white people, Mark.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Or, if you prefer legalese (I’m a retired lawyer), res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself.

The South is rising again!

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